December 19, 2019
Cinnabon has filed a federal lawsuit in Nevada against LLC, an e-liquid company selling vaping liquids, including a “Cinnabon” flavoured e-cigarette liquid. Cinnabon alleges that such use infringes its trademark and poses a risk to Cinnabon’s reputation.
While Cinnabon has licensed its name for various products in the past, it never agreed to LiquidChronic’s use of the name. Cinnabon is concerned that consumers will mistakenly connect the cinnamon bun producer with the vaping industry. This connection is particularly concerning to Cinnabon given that health concerns surrounding vaping continue to rise. The vaping industry has also come under fire for allegedly improperly marketing to young consumers, and Cinnabon’s sweet desserts are favourites of youth.
Cinnabon requested that LiquidChronic stop selling its “Cinnabon” e-liquid through three separate letters, none of which LiquidChronic responded to. Both LiquidChronic and Cinnabon have not commented on the lawsuit at the time of writing.
Authors: Scott Kerr and Daniela Cerrone